Saturday, 18 December 2010Y
my boggle youngster
hehhe. I have a happy life,I have my good family..Mum always support me in everything..I loved you are the apple on my eyes..I mIss YOu and recently my heart belong to someone that I call deng..MOHD IBRAHIM BIN JUNAIDI..He is my best enemy and my friend in deed..Herm,speaking about friend,i got really crazier friend..Rosmawati and Normalina Jali,Both of them really stumbled in my world..hehhe..Rosmawati that I used to call her Kak Ros is really drive me crazy,she's do a lots of fun things with me..especially scrubbing my body(so do I),And for normalina jali,I called her Kak Lina,is really passive between us,but she was the good-hearted girl..hehhe..last I how they coloured my life..I loved everyday because every day I can learn what worth the life it is....
aku pengarang amatur:NAna
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i love my hair cut

hahha, this is not my pic at all,but this is how my hair look..It a bob cut,I really love it..Before this i got a long straight hair,but boring on it..It was my old fashion since 12/2009,maybe..I really nervous and scare before i take this decision..but it is a new look for me,I got a youngling look like I am 16(sweet 16 =P)..And my friend just admired it,she come and cut her hair..hehhe...I loved this hair,,It give me a new breath,,,hehhe...
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Thursday, 16 December 2010Y
LAughing At last

ermmm...tadi kiter memang bz...huhhh..ingatkan pagi tadi nak bangun saho..p mata ku macam aper jer..susah nak lagi...terpaksalah broken it(hehhe..)hari ni kan hari Asyura,best la jugak.,kat opis boss takder,p kiter being bz all day long...x terpiker langsung nak cr tulang..pakes ewh??entah lah,sebenarnya kita diminta untuk hantar dta ke kuch..adouhai..selepas berhempas pulas,ahernya siap jugak..hahhh..Alhamdulillah...rasa puas hati sangat sangat..CELEBRATE for my sense of urgency(chewwwah)..Then,I already get what i dream for,C3..hehhe..kiter da beli(double celebration)HOOORAY,,,p tak puas hati dengan cina jual benda nih..dier tipu ,,mula cakap harga RM 400..Then after pay it worth RM425/-..Not too much differ but it too much..And I just blame the seller for being dishonest,he said that he re-format and install the anti virus for it..But after I check it ,there was no anti vi on I express my unsatisfied,but this maggot say if I go through others it will be worth RM499.. a fews day before i already surveyed the price,it was below than 450..this maggot is a BIG LIAR,,So ,friend out there,dont take for granted anything and just pay for what price they deal for you...IT a LESSON!,
aku pengarang amatur:NANA..........
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Monday, 13 December 2010Y
tidorku diganggu..
it was rainy to the NOD..erm..then,someone had knock our door,dizzy and flurry..
sorry i cant write anymore,yet bcoz i feel so dizzy..
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edit cardigan
before edit


nih cARDIGAN ALA ala amu yang kita terbeli..lam pic kan men perfect p bila in real,,ahhha..ken cotton..pastu button macam jaman vintage..blink blink gitu..p xper,it worth bab harga pun murah..tak la murah sangt(RM 48.90)..time ada duit nih jugak lah aku pelahap abes..suka nak abeskan my money...hahha...ngantok la pulak...tadi Alhamdulillah,da settle suma urusan..pike nih nak balik opis,p,xpat because th rain pouring down like a cat and dog...So heavy..Herm,msa amik indeks harga tadi kan,ada tengok baju Adidas..Sale!!!!Ya ampun!!asa nak amik jer..P,duwit xcukup lam purse lagik pun its t-shirt..n wana pink..kiter ok jer ngan wana pink p kalo hijau lagi ok..anyway..go green!!..Tengok la wana ..kalau striking green macam katak la pulak,hehhe..btw..sempat jugak nak edit pic..edit sekejap jer..xlama sangat,sebab my mind carrying large amount of other memories,so I cant make it right...anyway,time to take a nap..Not to be a lazy bone but its time to LANDING...Hahha..bubbye ♥
aku pengarang amatur:NANA
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Sunday, 12 December 2010Y
nak outing

hahha...arini kita kuar,ngan teman..Karos..My BFF,uhhh,Kol 3PM da ready nih touch up sambil menyanyi lagu Adam Lambert..Hahha...nih Karos nak beli lappy..Guess what???dia nak beli lappy Vaio cam kita jugak..Ishhhh..Vaio memang tip top..Lalu berjalan kami sekawan ke Delta Mall(kira Low Yatt la) nak survey lappy,then sib bet lappy sony vaio E-siries nih ada..Kalo tak menangis teman.Erm..tertengok la pulak Hannah MOntana Clock..Iman ku goyah sikit,amik jer lah..Hanna punya pasal,just nasib bet karos halang beli belon Hannah Montana tadi,kalo idak,abis my money...Berjalan punya berjalan ahernya asa lapar la pulak..Bila da lapar terpaksa cari kedai mkan...uhh..xder yang bukak,yg ada Breadsense...(ragu ragu jugak,takut non halal)..Paksa ke Sanyan..Beli la Esyem..Kita makan 2 bijik esyem..Hahha..lepas abis mam, pg la pulak survey beg..ALLAH..lemah la bab beg2 tu suma panggil=belilah aku..Im worth!!adouhhh...So terpaksa buat2 bz texting my BF,let my eyes hooked on HP..pastu net tingkat atas,beli present kat member sorang laie,dier nak kawen.Da beli suma pg la Everwin nak beli ayam..Because I promise to Kak Lina to make her a chicken curry for dish..Tengok pulak Tanaka White,adouhhh..kelemahan..sekali lagi kena uji..Last last kiter grab(huhu..I can't spend money if the money is with me)..Hermmmm...Balik rumah terus masak kari..Ermm..sodap gitu,balik bilit,terpike la pahal kiter leh angkut Tanaka White nih...I da pakai Silky..Menyemak!.
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why i cant sleep tonite
After cooking n dishing curry,,it time to sleep..But I cant,my eyes still wide awake..huuhhhhh.then..I tried to insisted my eyes to closed down but it doesn't work at all..Last,i uploading pic on FB..hem..
aku pengarang amatur:Nana
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Bring to heel

My mom said that the only way she give me a present is if i clean up my room. I really want to clean my room because i love having a clean room [i can never keep it clean tho] But every time I start to clean my room I get bored and stop doing what ever im cleaning in 15 minutes and i hardly get anything done. But sumanya x susah And thanks in advance ♥ :)
grab three laundry baskets and a garbage bag.. one is for dirty clothes is for clean clothes.. and one is for everything else..everything.. and the bag garbage.. obviously lol..
I put on a timer or I say two songs.. I go nuts throwing unbreakables into the baskets .. get rid of the dirty clothes throw em in the wash bring the basket back .. fold the clean ones and put em got two more baskets..
Now you got three baskets.. throw everything you got into em .. use one for papers books etc. only .. the rest is all your other stuff.. if you have a jewelry box and makeup container put that on your bed open..any other collective things needs bins boxes tupperwares ..stackables are the best for your closet.. leave the bins on your bed and all the baskets in front while going through toss makeup, jewelery, art supplies, lil collections into the divider baskets..
all your empty hangers on one side all your clothes on the hangers on the other put your shoes clothes jackets hoodies and other hangables away out of your drawers to make more room cause I am sure you clothes are over stuffing your drawers..
if there is any cups or plates in your room get em out and clean em yourself ..impress your mom
then go throught your papers...put em in an old school folder/binder and put on a shelf with the books.. throw out the junk ... all of it
now run through your room rip your sheets off wipe down all furniture, shelfs, and sills, and vacuumn.. then start going through the baskets of stuff.. try and grab the things going to one place all at once.. all your books.. all your pencils...that way you make one trip to the shelf to the desk .. one to the kitchen.. etc..
make sure to use every last container last things you have to seperate everything from paint to make up ...
clear glasses on a shelf make a beautiful collection display... you can use vases... old jars and bottles.. when you use up food in a jar clean it and scrub it and you can even decorate with the old arm of a sweater.. fabric glued on .. magazine cutouts...aku pengarang amatur:Nana..
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bangun pagi da pening..nih mesti kes bantal x terletak...aduhhhh..malas..dalah kaki ku sejook nak mampus(aku kan kurang darah) so standard la kan my kaki n my head pening...uhhh..klah..nak take a rest jap...nway..Muahhhh..
aku pengarang amatur:NAnA
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Saturday, 11 December 2010Y
time to wipe all out

See how mess my room was????...;B...Time to wipe out..Hermm..Cleaning my room already mess by myself,make me feel like polluter....It was tangle up like rapunzel hair..hahhaa..Ok.Just short time to lawn chopping!Muahhhhh...
aku pengarang amatur:Nana
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break even
Ari ni nak ke cael deon..nak amik cardigan n printed jacket yang kiter pesan...i hope it perfect like it seems..herm...sejak 2 menjak nih i really dont have time to pamper myself yet except a week before(facial time)..Fair ???but for myself a time for myself is break neither loss and profit..herm..last night I got a really scary dream..I dream about my house being hunted..I cant see how the ghost look like but all my friend already seen for this creation..When I asked them to perform Solat Together they refused to..My intention just to get this ghost out,but there no effort of them..HUaggghhh.Then,I awakened..Thanks God It just a dream..
.aku pengarang amatur:nana
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Friday, 10 December 2010Y
Aduh..kekejaman berlaku...Kenapa lah ada jugak orang nak mengganggu periuk nasi ku...dalah hasil jualan ku begitu laku..ada jugak pihak yang mencemburui aku..Aku sudah menjadi tokey ikan pun nak dicantas..kalau jualan tidak begitu laku xpa..nih jualan ikan aku semakin laku..kenapa lah pihak pengurusan mengharamkan..kenapa mesti jualan aku????kenapa?????kenapa tidak tokey cina sahaja..perlukah aku, seorang Usahawan Bumiputera yang berkaliber...Jabatan aku sungguh kejam..HAiiya..Kenapa di Block Fb..Kenapa?????sehinggakan Ikan ikan ku dalam fishville mati...adouhhhh.....mengapa begitu?????
aku pengarang amatur:Nana
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Thursday, 9 December 2010Y
C3 craver

herm...........uhhhh..da tengok C3 nokia phone tak??cantik bangerrrrrtttttttt...Suka la..aduh..terpengaruh ngan cita endon..Aduhhhhh...cantik wana pink ..Aduhhhh..menggugat keimanan ku...sekang nih berminat nak beli nokia da out of list..telalu capt panas battery,...tak sabar la nak dapat C3...aduhhhh..dulu memang nak beli LG Crystal...p bila kuar jer C3,ermmmm..tahu jer nafsu...semua dier nak...(echeh)..I wish someone will buy this phone for me for my birthday...I hope it..Aminnnnn...,
aku pengarang amatur:nana
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