my happiness

Hello blogga...Nice to meet you here..
I am sorry for de-blogging just about a few days before..
You know what I am Mean..
guess what blogga?(sound like cliche)i keep lazing with Harith..
Its was fun when baby fall asleep in your hand..
He was so adorable..
erm..what else??
YuP..THERE something funny still bear in my mind.
laugh first..ahhhhaaaaaa...SHAZANI..MY MOST "SON" NEPHEW..He just 4 years old
i dont remember what the day he massages my brother in law, then his father teased him
"when you mssg someone you must take the "pengeras" otherwise your hand will be hurt..Then he come up to my house..crying and screaming..I dont know what actually happen..then come my sister bring nail up to my house.."who asked for a nail?"..Then, he replied..its was for pengeras..Then..the laugh break the silent.hahha..He just like an older person..asking for "pengeras" and believe what his father said..hahha..shazani are very funny..
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This is the trio of us...we met at the first time in Mac 2008. At first, I am not so acquainted to both of them,but by Jun 2008, we are requested to make a HIES. From then, we befriend each other( I am close friend of INdra that time). we combined our group and it become bigger and we become stubborn and truancy is our expert talent. I remember, when we are played truant at Delta Mall,it was almost grasped by our Autorities. It was a very dangerous moment and the best memory we have.When we having fun, we always there for each other. Its so reliable.Nowaday , there are the moment I cant vanished from my mind. Rafidah Zainuddin- the most care and the supernice sister and Friend I ever met.Nor Azura Buntat- the most supportive and playful sister and friend bear in my mind. Indra Shahrel Han- The best Friend and the best enemy i ever found...guy, I miss every moment we spend together~
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my nephew
Last 2 days I got my nephew..He was suspected to Hospital Besar, Sarikei.
Herm..He got juandice..Pity Harith..But i Just met him A second.I hope his juandice reduce to 3.
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i got eye bag

Hello every body...Look through my eyes..It was dark circle around..Help me..I already use some item for it but i cant "demolish" and vanish it.It still strike up and newer faded away~whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....
Maybe my sleep hour is should be added..8 hours quality time..I mean I should keep dream on..hahha..lawak giler~Look at the left side..It was really look like gothic girl...ahhhha~
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hello blogga
Short Update..
I am ready for Field Work at Pasai..
Hello..People of Pasai..
I am Here for PTB/M..(Penyiasatan Tenaga Buruh dan Migrasi)
Hope to Meet you with warm clarity~
Muah you sooo much..
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the first thing i should do
Ok...I want to renovate my house in village to be more classic and elegant.You know,I never intend to insulted myself but I saw my house is being neglected since my family drift away from it..Which mean it was never been cared by us.When i reached there last 3 weeks before, the toilet door really needs to be repaired..So I as a free commitment from loan n whatever should take some step to enhance it...So i should buy some apparatus and stuff to fixed the thing~thanks to google images you inspired me~
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my new nephew

a first son is happily produced by my sister,SALBIAH and my bro in law.The baby boy was born on 06/06/2010 at GH,Kuching.And my new nephew smells good, as a baby should.
Then, my sister guessed his name must be great. Then, after two days, my sister Suziana texting me about his name.He named by his parent HARITH.It was shocked me because all of our whether nephew and nieces have a long name( i mean like mohd blala blala) but when come to this baby he'll be named Harith. So simple but adorable~
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my almond london
cheeekiiidot..What to do ah?OK..let me think 1st.K,the 1st thing is say my pray to my GOD for putting me in this world so healthy and happy.Then.woke up NANA.Today you already promised your jetaime to baked almond london.Ahha..almost forget..Do you think almond LOndon???What spin on your mind??it delicious,sweet, and chocholathies..ahhha...yum yum...bubbye..go!!!
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wah my friday

Gosh..i feel very determine today.It was FRIDAY.It was the day I always waited for.Being lazier tomorrow..My sister asked me to buy some young leaf of nippa palm to make a smoked horseshoe crab.I like it,even my friend said it was exotic to eat but I loved to eat it.It just like "in-situ" food where you can't get the smell and the taste exactly or "approximately" to was so cool.But it you cannot cooked it like you cook others.The blood of it is poisonous so it make you feel cook it,
After you cut the shell the first thing you should do is separate above section from the organ.PRECAUTION STEP:Avoiding the heart and liver because this is poisonous organ.Don't panicked of blue colour of blood because it is the color of it blood..then, separate the part of it body.just take flap covering book gill and the above abdomen.Dont take it book gills.Then cooked it as your favour.In my opinion,I like it being smoked on a fire(covered with nippa leaves)..(just the eggs needed not the leg or the skin of it)
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Hello there
for sure this is how i begun my day.Starting with opened my pc then log on to my facebook and fishvilling my fish.Then liking others post.Hehhe..
Huh..Nothing to do.So today i am was replacing my ramadhan fasting (girl problem)hehhe...I woke up early in the morn to prepared my sahur..I don't know what happen to me last night..I keep awoke and can't sleep like b4..Maybe my intention to sahur make me always awake every hour of night..
Last night a found kitten outside my house keep meowed seeked for it mother.Then i took it upon my house to calm it..But this little kitten was too scared and not acquainted to people..It keeps meowed till I wake up for sahur..And every time i awake the sound of it constant..I thought this kitten keeps meowed from the evening till this was lost kitten..sob sob~
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my sister kitten

it was amazing holiday...But i just leave it...when i got there, my eyes was hooked on something wrong with my sister's cat..I found his head swallowed..pity it...Then when i touched it it was very soft and as I thought it was pus inside...So I squeeze it then it was green liquid proceed from it..My nephew look very unpleasant with the smell.Then when I tried to squeezed it to discard the residues..Shiro(the cat name) was make a lousy meowed and it distorted me up.After two days later..I found the residues of it overflow on the head...So I just wipe it till the swallow gone...owhhh...shiro..pity you~but I ♥ u~
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You know what today is….happy anniversary!!! Gosh time sure does fly. Every day with you has been a blessing. I still thank my lucky stars that you said yes. “Warisan wanita terakhir,jiwa raga ku serah…” You know I was thinking about this anniversary the other day and thinking that what we have is just like one of those silly romantic comedy "THE UGLY TRUTH" I love to watch. You know what I mean, the girl and guy meet, a series of crazy and improbable events happen, they fight then they make up and end up together. I was just thinking that our love has been sort of like that, only in real life.
The truth is I can’t imagine living my life with anyone else or loving anyone else. You have been there for me through everything. And if it’s okay with you I kind of want to keep this good thing going and remain together forever. But of course, only if it’s okay with you. Never mind, don’t answer that. I still feel like a kid with you all giddy and butterflies in my stomach each time I see you walk with me meet your parent and cousin. It’s hard to believe you picked me. I pinch myself sometimes to make sure it’s real.
I love the way you treat me, your parent also your siblings.I hope you like mine to as I like yours.I hope that you could change a bit for your envious feeling toward me.You know, for the best of our relationship,you should take positive whatever I am said and so I am. My bubbling about SM'S or my hand phone,I like it to be privacy.You always get mad for it,I knew you think that was a MSG from my admire(whatever lah) but please and please one again,control you jealousy.and, for me I never explore your hand phone yet..But you always checked my phone when there have the opportunities.
Happy anniversary Deng. I love you so much and have so much more love to give you through the years.
With all my love,
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Penantian sudah berakhir
Its Gawai Dayak...huhhu..Im here..Sitting here in my hometown..My phone is so important right now...and I already prepared for My gift to him about 2 weeks ago..
Nana:Have you open it yet?
Im: not at all...
Me:Guess what in it??
Im: I think it must something fragile and edible..
Me:Open it and see it
Im:Wow..You give me a car radio player...Thank you so much my dear
Me: I Thanks you then...You gave me Oven for time I use it for baking our delicious and favourite biscuit (almond london)..with one condition...You must and have to help me..otherwise...I dont~
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