Just One day to ...........
As usual I am texting him we just talked about putera and putera tales like We always bubbling and "merapu-ing" about..hehhe....Then, He teased me...hehhe...
Im:here Your next task dear..log on to facebook and look for my standard 3 class photo...Guess which one was geeky ol' me?
Me: OMG!!!!!!That really you?third from the left , top row? So tough!!!Hahha..Deng, I saw the "j'etaime" folder..Im touched that you took time to upload our pic from the time we 1st met till now...Love you~
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Day 4
Day four'30/05/2010 Sunday
I watched french movee starring Audrey Toutou last nite-Le Fabuluex Deastin d' Amelie Paulain and learned a new phase : J'etaime
Nana : If you know what J'etaime means.Hint...It's french
Im:I looked up on Google and I found the answer-"I ♥ you" .....Aww so sweet of you~
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4 days left
Day 3, 29/05/2010, Saturday
Im leaving Sibu and back to my home town
Me:Deng , Im back to my home town tomorrow..So i hope you behave yourself
Im:yes I do
me:Play the you tube vid I posted on my wall and see if you remember what happened.Try using mobile if its that easy~
Im:How can forget that Doraemon.Its was playing on Tv now.After my friend said "you had me at hello"you asked me if i Could be your "girlfriend"
Me:Really...It was spur-of -the-moment thing.I still have my fantasy Brain..Hahha..Pity me..
Im:Yeah..I think you had it all planned!
Nana:Really didnt plan..Cross my heart!
Im:=) :-*
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5 days To anniversary
Friday, 28/05/2010
From im:I've posted something on your facebook wall.Check it out!!!!!!!!
[facebook]:Attachment about Mc'D located at Primier, Sibu
Im:Remember this place?What was the first drink that I bought you?
Me:Yes.It's Mc'D ..Our first date..And you treated me a Big Mac.
Im:Was I such a cheapstake? :P
Me: Let me think first :P
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Counting six day to anniversary
Day 1,27 May 2010, Thursday
This morning my sweetheart texting me to say that we should do something special anniversary this year since it's was the 1st anniversary for us.Today and the next five days would be extra-memorable, just check my phone for update, he said.
From Me:
Hey Deng, Think U should this nifty browser called opera mini.It let you view web pages on your phone like you would on your PC.Check it out on maxis Wap portal under the surf the web section.
Now my Im, always give me positive when I am showed him a New thing about technology.
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Balasan orang Memfitnah haku
Today...As usual..Smiled to everyone in my office.Suffering in Silent killed me.Today, as usual I edited my form.Its was done quickly...And I asked my ungrateful partner to called my respondent about her higher qualification.But when our code editor asked me and her to submit forms it was shocking...She doesn't do any part on it..Then.with pleasure she going to holiday.See...I already edit the form for her( under her name, even though it was my work) but she never do what I asked to her( called respondent).
Just imagine,I'm burned my evening event just to fulfilled our work..But she looked it like nothing..She really stupid..Hence,she arrogantly said that I am too obsess with claim.my work never be appreciated..I don't care if she never say thanks to me but after all i do, she just slandered me..It was untruth..
Afternoon..My friend mumbled bout her..."Nana...she want to jump from Igan Bridge"..So, entire office was terrified with it.She make my friend felt depressed with her..I'm just heard any mumbled from mouth of my friend and doing nothing..hahah...She want to jump from the bridge just because her fiance left her ) after she make a loan in Bank Rakyat (rm 30,000) to renovate her fiance house.( bub bye loser) Hahha..It was called Karma..That day she treat me like that..the others day..The maker give her a cash of it...You deserved it...:P
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keja pening kepala bagai nak gila
today,(evening).nana bawak kakak keja luar kat Rejang Park...memang bagus lah respon sebab daripada 8 tk dapat 7 tk..just satu jer rumah tak nak keja sama...Balik balik opis esok tuh,,dengar orang cakap yang saya ni kemaruk claim...Cisss...Najis betol lah...Kalo Nana jahat nak sangat Nana bagitau boss keja nih Nana yang clear out suma...Si melaun ni pulak tak berterima kasih langsung..Dalah nama pegawai menjalankan tugas tuh Nana letak nama dia...Bagi 2 la katakan.P,yang Nana dapat bukan nya thanks,sei sei, Nan dre,Tima kasih,,syukran ooo Whatever,p umpatan..Nana berhempas pulas buat keja malam tuh...dia siap mengata Nana kemaruk Claim..Alang alang Nana jahat Nana pun claim..Apa Nana kisah...Claim pun kena.Tak Claim pun kena..Bagus buat jer...ahhha..lagipun memang betul nana buat keja malam tuh..I Swear..Bodo betul laaaa...Dalah melaun nih depan Nana kemain baik..Angel lah konon..FOr sure she not..Kat belakang kite..Mak aih..Tuhan jer tahu~Penat belum habis dah dengar complaint..Ok a Nana buat benda tuh masih simpan nama dier sebab nak cover dia..P, what I got??
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Wish me luck for "my test" today..
I hope i can overcome my nervous feeling..
Ahhakk..Ya Allahh...
Subhanallazdi sakh ra lana ha zda wa ma kun na lahu muk rinin na wa in na ila robbi kalibun~
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MY Hectic monday
Being statistician is wasnt easy like ABC..Its too hard..I felt dizzy when my data is doesn't accomplished yet..I hate waiting so much and i think My mind was distracted by another influenced..Tomorrow, I'll take exam.Im feeling really nervous and my nervous killed my confident level.erm..What else?my tummy feeling gonna homesick...too much pressure~
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Sunday Morning
*Today-blooming my room
*Vacuuming, Sweeping , Manoeuvring ,Mopping , And perfumize deodorize it...
Evening Agenda..
Planting..Pesticing..Lawn Mowering...
Then..cooking,baking,peppering and heating..
Night Agenda...
Clicking...typing...copy and paste..upload and download...
Feeding my fish....
:) ;)
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no alrm on Saturday
Saturday is the best day of the week because I can be lazy.
I enjoy the lazy cozy sleep on Saturdays which is a necessary life recharge after five hard working weekdays and I have been sleep deprived for so long. Please, no calls on my phone, no knocks on my door, and my deal alarm clock, please do not wake me up on Saturdays~
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♥my Friday♥
Hshhh..Thanks God Its Friday...Today, as I always counted..It Finally comes...Today is ♥friday♥..
What else??I got the plan...
Liburan bah tuh...
If my sister doesnt mind, I got a planned..
Maybe we should go to somewhere far from city (I mean Beachy places...like Kabong)..
Huuuuaaa.I running out time to jotted down what was hanging and spinning in my mind..So lazy..I have to go to Jalan Lada,then..
Just to "Dating with my Respondent"
Huahhuaaaa...hermmmm...lazy ahhhhh...Bubye..
Muah muah muah!
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Today Lesson
I am done my Teku fieldwork..and it was fully acquitted and I loved it..Just about 1 days my statistical data is done...Proud with myself...God you save my world...Today..My cold shoulder with (%^&554) that I already posted about( if you read i hate my co-worker post)is done...He tried to tackle my stone-heart today..He tries to make me smile...Ahak..Then, I smiled but not as fast to forget what already happen..Memaaf bukan bermaksud melupai...It like a broken glass..Its can be fix but the crack is still seen~You know what I mean right..Hahha..Just to remind me and for those who read this,Once you being fooled by another, Please be careful if you and him or her re-get along~Dont let it happen twice in your life...
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My Unsatisfied
Wahhh..Such a big deal when my question is no replied...Ohhh..what did you think I am???Do you think I am the pillar...Oh..You treat me badly and you never respect another feeling..As you knew, you and your boyfriend happy its enough..But If you want to be respect by others you should respect other first.I am utterly unhappy with it.even you think you are the best but in my heart you are not..you totally rude and for the 1st time i felt so upset...I think when i was on your age I knew everything and what should we do to respect another.But you are totally not in my path and our path is astrayed~
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its really boiled and stuck me up.He just making fun of me.It's really Annoying.It's was jerk.I found myself being fooled by someone that really disrespect others. He absolutely idiot and rotten egg. Within 24 Hours, He keeps himself being boasted. At the first place, he opened my salary slip just to peeped my arrears balance. It's make myself felt so furious. It became worst, after a day later, he insisted me to be an "office Keeper" I guess.But in the same time I already planned myself and prepared to fulfilled my DTS form in Hua Kiew. When I Protest to him about my unsatisfied feeling, he became angry. He utterly ridiculous. He asked me to be "office Guard com Office Keeper" just becoz he want to baby sitting his child..Wah, U cross the line..You really annoyed and you should be blame for being unprofessional person.I hate the way you acted.why he cant accepted my angsty .Why he make fooled and monkeying over me..He totally silly ..Stop believe him because he is like a snake.It nestled into you then its coiled you then eats you..You gonna be died at last.I hate him and my hatred killing him away.No wonder the other co-worker hated this moron before I had seen and felt it on myself before.
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PHP inspection
Uhhh..Malas nya..Hari isnin nak molah keja..Makin rasa nak ari minggu je..Uhhhh..Im not happy with that..Early Monday, Im wake up earlier than others day just to make a Php Inspection..I hate it..and I insisted myself to that...I never felt sincere to make some of this works..I hate it and Im being bored of it~
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I am Too skinny

OK my goal to become more healthier.But my body weight still 40 n below..It become worst when I didn't eat for my breakfast.Just imagine, I lose about 4 KG just because I left my breakfast for a week.Huahua..It's a lot..How I am shrunk myself. no, I do not have an eating disorder, I eat more than enough. One thing my friend did teach me was that even eating fatty foods constantly doesn't always help you gain weight..I already buy worm prevention but it doesn't work..And i spend a lot just to gain my body.I'd tried weight gain, ban kah chai n zeng fei capsule..and I take multivitamin.spirulina, vitamin,lysine , n etc just to feed myself to keep sure my body become more curvaceous.
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I'm feeling nervous(car driving)
Herm...why am I feeling nervous drive a car..Still nervous and the mess was when I can't adjusted a car after it stopped by traffic light.When come to gear one, It was reverse and the car sound like scream engine.I'm very terrific on it...How can I over calm my feeling...I really need inspiration..N my BF always teach me how to be more calm while drive.Despite my lack of experience, I passed my driving test on the first try. It was a huge relief to have my license. However, I was still scared to drive, because I had no experience.
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short update
pg kuar shopping barang
Beli ridsect, strawberry,Zentle,n Floor cleaner
Sengkuang pun ada
Hua sik sabar nak mamam strawberry plus ngan chocolate
Melting chocolate to make it more delicious..yam yam
sok mek nak upload gambar chocolate strawberry~nyum~
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Drive me nut

*Last Nite-Fight with my BF.
He cannot accepted my proposal about 2109
I don't want to be mean but I just want to nego that our anniversary *0106 xpayah nak sambut and so my birthday..I told him just celebrate his birthday instead of mine..
In fact, I don't want to take any wish or present from him..
He really drive me nut..uhhhhuuuuu....And I don't want he wish my birthday..
He got nothing to do with it...Why I keep it Off?
1St I don't want to have a bad attitude-take him money away..
2ND I don't want to make myself used to take something fr someone
3rd I knew He had a lots of commitment and I don't want him to be overburden.
last, I don't want indebted him~(hutang budi la)
*i cant stand keep argued for this thing..I hope he Just take it*
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I feel ashamed

Not sure where to post this but need to get it off my chest.last nite,meeting agenda "Datuk shafie apdal with KETUA PENGARAH2 Pejabat"...WE(Christina, Nor azura n Me)n we alienated our self to make sure that they didn't notice us..Try to put myself invisible..Unluckily I attend wrong meeting.
In the same time I hate someone tagged her name as Chumang..She obviously underestimated us and just seeing us like nothing n bulk..I remember how her eyes hooked on me,staring us like we don't qualified to be Ketua pengarah~
And Chumang,You thought you are the most powerful but You not..You don't acted well manner~
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As a Shopaholic myself, I found this book really enjoyable. If you like shopping at all, this book will make you laugh. The main character gets into funny situations constantly. It's not an advanced physics treatise, but it's not mindless either. The effort the main character goes to to justify her shopping is hilarious and some genius plotting on Kinsella's part. If you don't like shopping at all, look elsewhere. If you like funny, memorable characters and plots, then give this a try. :)
I laughed. I cried. I finished reading this month’s reading the latest siries of this book~
:(I ended up getting upset with some of her Shopaholic books! I hated her getting in debt!
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happy time
I get 77.7% for my SKT...Woww...Hehhe..Ken looked so jealous because he just got 60+ last year..Me???So happy compare to another...because this is the first time I am Being judged..And Luckily, I get the score..Which mean, my work is worked smoothly...
I'm happy with it..I can't stop keep smiling..And 2 weeks ago, I got the result for my General Order Exam..Guess what?? I got excellent on it...
Gotcha.** Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile Smile*
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Aku ka bersalah
Adakah aku yang bersalah...aku sa mcam sik ada orang jeles ngan aku...aku tauk reason nya...n nya nunggu aku guguk bah..AAAAAAAAA...p ku duli pa...nya tauk nya pun moha jak...ilek lok, mun ku datang moha aku banyak gik point...sekali ku tembak jak..Kenak mesti orang sik senang ooowh...Ahak...lenkali mun asa diri ya perfect jangan la sikpat tima kenyataan...Janji hatiku puas per...Aku ada Family yang best n terbaik...BF yang sayang aku..N aku rami BFF..N kawan ku madah hati hati ada orang mok sabotaj aku..hahha..TUHAN ADA..LIKE my MUM ALWAYS TOLD ME...Ilek la..Mun nya mok sabotage aku pun benda ya akan dibalas bah...Whatever la...Aku pun penah juak jeles..And time ya aku sik matured gik..P sik la pei nak sabotage..I have class bah...Mon ku datang Moha siap..
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Hatiku di Harajuku

I've read this book last week, 'hatiku di harajuku' (means my heart in Harajuku). What a great story i've read=P!!!:)smile::smile:all about a samurai's life in Japan. Yakuza Amikie is the greatest group with Ryu-Watanabe and Noriko. Their life is fulfill with samurai love story...what a great!! is it? Try to read it!!
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Im confused about my life

Well..starting from the 1st.The biggest war inside me was about my desire..I want to buy Sony vaio laptop n in the same time I want to get a car..If I buy car, I will have highly commitment on it..and my desired to own Sony vaio will be faded away...which mean, I never own it as I always dream.Herm....Then, deep in my heart I always want to buy a cat(Persians cat) valued RM1000.WOW..if I have it my mum will get mad because she think it was to expensive for a cat~Well,talking about MLM..Recently,my cousin ..my kin and my sister join Hai O.They invited me to join this MLM..But for sure, I don't ready yet to invest my money.(Melibatkan pelaburan RM30,000)..WOW~for sure, it's was a very BIG BIG risk to take.And I'm not optimistic..Pertimbangan???ermmm...ooowwwhh...confused about my desire,my passionate n my dream...
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I feel nervous for no reason

thanks, i think anxiety is the better word. i don't smoke. i never drink liquor and i haven't had coffee in the longest time. I'm not taking any medicine either. I'd say i fairly live a clean life.
Why am I too scare??why??
i want to live like another person...very tranquil and serene..I want to be that...but how..When i see my friend or my surrounded peer they look very happy without nervous...except when there something to worried about..But me??I had nothing to worry...why am I keep nervous n nervous??waawawa~
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happy mother day mak

Dearest someone i called mak
I loved you so much..Thank you for loving me, spoiled brat. Thank you for your prayers, your support, and your caring for us when we get sick or need to go to the hospital for whatever reason it may be.
I knew I am spoiled brat in our family.I am stubborn the most.And I admitted that I am the black sheep in our family.I remember when I was young, I was a sickly child.During breakfast, I want hot cookies be serve in front of me.But, I'm healthier by a days.In 20++,our lives had been ruined by &*&^%..She make us like maroon,dear God, please guide them to the right path for what they do with my family.I remember, the day my mother performed Pilgrimage to Mecca, this moribund (she, he and dot dot) never comes to my house.It's was heartless.They never comes even just to stare..I hate this people and I take it as a grudge for it.But this moribund rung my brother in law on the phone just to get a perfume from Mecca..why not he called or talked to my mother directly.NONSENSE.I remember and I Always remember what he did during Hari Raya..He said that we are not a part of family..just imagine, the point of it just to separate our family from them.Even their are a half brother n sisterhood with my mother,please don't said that we are not their family.I never demand a much but please.And my sister had saw ^&*^ make a stupid face(FUCK..DAMN..SHIT)behind my mother.If I was Suzie that time, I just caught her red handed.I think, If i was mak, I'm not so that patient..maybe I could slap hER over a face. And the word always proceed from her mouth was "tuhan ada"..But as a daughter , I can't bear to see my mother suffer in silent.I want my mother to be outspoken.It was sad sad n sad..she swallowed everything even though it was broke her heart.For me, I can have more friend in this world but I just have one mak..mak .I loved you to the fullest for whatever you are...And thanks for leading me to be more patient and toughest person.
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my saturday
After having hectic Monday to Friday,I'm free at last.After having launch with my sister I watch TV.is was bored Saturday...wah..tomorrow is Mother day..what should I give my mum???should I give her a cake like "past-past" years??HERM...sound like cliche right.herm...should I give her a purse??my sister already bought a silk for her and another get a plan to celebrate it..herm...what should I give??previously, I already give a silk, a clothes, a cake.and a cards..herm..if I'm rich maybe I just booked a ticket for us to Bali.But, I don't have so much money for it..herm.wawawawaw~
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i Love friday

I love Fridays. For me, Friday is the end of my work week and the beginning of flex time. Not that weekends are do-nothing days; but the doing is different, and somehow that makes it better.
Fridays have also become my time to have a great nap and maybe even brunch with girlfriends. That’s one of the major reasons they’re such good days. Every woman needs girlfriends, but let’s define the term. A girlfriend is not just any kind of friend. “Close acquaintance” certainly does’t qualify. It’s pretty much a sin to even compare the two. And the mere thought of being pretentious, self-protective, or non-vulnerable is justification for excommunication in the real live girlfriend arena. The term is reserved for several really close, free-to-be-me kind of friends. You know, the ones you can be obnoxious with one minute and spiritually profound the next. And they’re perfectly okay with either or both…..even in the same sentence.In short,I don't want to talked bla bla blah~
THANK GOD IT FRIDAY..And YIP PIE a few hours left is HOLIDAY.On Saturday??My mother get a ticket To K.L.For Mother's Day celebration.
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Arghhhhh...Susah juak idup mun kita asyik ditakuk lama..uhhh...I want to further my study..I want it...Always.n always...I sik maok la being humble to another.mek maok ada education atleast degree..orang madah cari keja nektok susah wei p mun nak nait pangkat lagik la susah..dalah mesti nunggu 15 years( half of decade)uhhh...sik kan takat tok jak...malu la wei..mun dapat asa nak kaya jak join MLM nektok...see my friend da meli alphard da???umur baru jak 2+..kmk nothing...still...mun maok menar menar berjaya mesti struggle.YA TUHAN....BERKATILAH HIDUP KU SELAMANYA~~
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I have blacky kitty..i called her Sitam(blacky)..Even though we are stray away(I'm in Sibu and she In my Village), we are close to each other,Every day when I'm home, she always follows where ever my feet's go. She is very delightful cat. Sometimes, when I sleep she be there slept over my chest.We are very close to each other..till my mum said maybe I got asthma if I sleep with her frequently.This cat is have it manner because she never mired her poo everywhere,just in my toilet.HEHE..But sadly, because she is black, my family doesn't like it much like they loved Shiro(my sister's kitten)one of three Sitam sibling.Uhh..whatever, I'm proud that sitam really pampers with me and berlemekkk~
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kenangan manis ku di sekolah

2004..Drop in memory and just to say HELLO.A journey through out the day brings us today~But after all,we could only come back to the conclusion that how we could live without love.In past 6 years to be SHAZA @ NANA, my eyes witnesses so many thing before I have grown so much, learnt so much, and experienced so many things that have made the personality I,Shaza @Nana today.And just the moment ago I reflected me about 6 years ago.This is a part of V7 and PPG(peer group)..I am V7,I'm wearing blue tudung(Muslim head cover) n red shirt.It ws really fun.This picture taken after we involved in SUKANEKA PELAJAR MUSLIM.We organised the program and be a facilitator of my Junior.Its was a very best memory.Speaking about school,I myself still remember, I am very loved math n physic that time.I have attended almost every night for AL BUKHARY tuition. in school we always struggle for SPM.I remember me and my best friend Fatimah always sleep at 1 am just calculating physics and mathematics mansion.I love it..Till, my result get the best for math and physics.But my offer for Matrikulasi and University is proceed after a week I am in form 6.My maktab interview??just keep it secret.Its was waste my money where I already bought a book for it~Dear friend,maybe I can continued my study to the higher level by 2011.I hope we can stand together.like our money---TOGETHER WE STAND---
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1st day he work
OMG..my bf already report first day duty at RH.. I hope he gained his personality and he gained his EQ.hehhehe....Dear my love...
dont just be ordinary..be extraordinary...like Im always said, OUT OF THE BOX..Different but Still have a class~
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erm...im idle
erm..aku makin idle,lazier than lazy.crazier than crazy.prettier than pretty...insane than mad..hehehe...uhhhhuuu...stuck up with me desire.I want to buy MAC APPLE..but it was really expensive, RM 10000...still,I want it.it was worth a 2nd hand car..ahaaa...Feeling so anxious..am I too Extrovert for this stuff?My mum said just buy vaio, but i want machintosh..Speaking about affordable.there no more debt in my account.But it all about desire and consideration, my friend (KEN ALBERT- he already us MAC APPLE) said the software of apple is very complex.Instead, he'd bought acer aspiron as back up because he said apple system is unsynchronize with excell , word and etc..it was too advance for my office task.ahhha..recent laptop is infected worm,malware n some viruses(mb I should be a virus husbandry).huhhhhh..i Want it...i Like it..i want it...it boost my spirit~
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Gosh what a day
well, starting from beginning..Sunday night I started texting my Bf about my nagging feeling bout my enemy(she had been rebuffed by my boss since we cannot accept her bad mouthing another till someone fight).then, when i fall asleep She appear in my mind.She that time pregnant and her mouth is still obnoxious.And as furious as dragon, it make me mad and bubbling to my friend and peer about her.She never confronted me and hide behind her husband.Still, her husband back up for his wife.Their many followers of mine hate this lady and want to ambush her straight to the hell.It make me insisted myself confront her and make some chaos and my peer accompanied me. I just scream and said loudly "ko empuan sial..pengecut..dah kau memfitnah aku macam mcam...sik puas ka kau molah kedak ya ngan suma orang...even ngan bestfriend kau pun ko molah kedak ya.." with brave and zealous I get her a bounch..she just walked and walked till she reach someone (a butcher)..it was really surprising me when the butcher raise his hand and throwing his knife to one of my follower.and it stuck me up,my friend(it was an old chinese man,I dont noe why he being my follower...).then i decided to deal with him softly and it was really tough and I see my enemy is smirked infront of me......if i know that was my dream, i could slap over her face ...why am i too stupid too scared last night....huhhhu~
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boring giler ari tok

ari tok kmk nangga tv jak keja. mun tv ya pande kaka mesti padah nya, aiii...muka tok udik nga kmk dari tadik...ahahha...susah juak nak padah.dah nama tos sikit ari tok.
boring gilak di rumah, time tok beri peluang ngan anak buah nanga tv..cdak nak nanga segah. mun doraemon tek kmk la orang pertama yang ada kat depan tv ya. kan nak madah dirik tok childish p memang suka ngan doraemon. Ending doraemon memang sedey a..Kamek menitiskan air mata gagah mek tegal ending ya...yalah doraemon tok most favourable cartoon ever.paling best nanga la..cita nya cmtok.ada sigek ari ya, nobita bangun dari tdo,sedar dari tido nya nga doraemon duduk ajak.eran la nya tek nak.ditalonya emon,pahal keruk semacam.p emon sik reply.sampai lah nya sedar emon rusak.Nangis nya..kakya datang la doremi(adik emon nak kuning ya)..alu dipadah adik emon,emon rusak.nya madah mun maok repair nya kita terpaksa reformat nya bab kan telinga doraemon dolok pernah kenak makan tikus nak,kat telinga nya lah memori ya..Sejarah nya macam tok, dolok warna Doreamon wana kuning sama ngan dak doremi juak.p kaknya digigit tikus (telinga), nya frust,bab sia memory nya ba.bila nya frust alu la nya tek minum potion kekecewaan..bertukar la warna nya jadi colour biru..DI zaman ya sikda orang maok meli nya.sehingga lah ada sorang miak maok ngan nya.mak bapa miak ya pun keberatan maok meli..ditekan nembiak ya punat belakang emon, alu emon pergi ke zaman Nobita..haaa,berbalit ngan cita sidak tek..Nobita nangis tek ohh..emon tok da sikpat diatur gik bah.nya guna memory nya empun untuk bekerja bah..mun format, abis la nya.nya jadi doraemon yang baru.Kan memorynya kat telinga sikda gik.Nobita tok wp nya tok belukuk p nya setiakawan..nya sanggup menunggu masa Doraemon bait bah.nya sanggup nunggu system baru asalkan memory nya ng emon sik ilang.Dari ari ya,Nobita jadi seorang pemurung...nya jadi rajin jak..nak nya b4 tok salu pat numb uncit kakya nya jadi kuat belajar smpei nya sikda masa nak bermain.Bila nya besar, nya salu dapat award p datang umah nya menangis ngenang emon.Nya salu demand ngan emon selama tok bah.sampei la nya nikah nya sizuka, nya da jadi saintis time ya.berjanggut2 upanya.nya coba repair emon.Kakya,emon alu sedar..p memory ya time ya masih b4 nya rusak.perkataan pertama keluar dari mulut nya..Nobita..da siap keja umah kitak ka...
uhhhhh...sungguh sedih...Peminat peminat emon sekelian~Doreamon maok start..jum kita nengok~Labels: my borderline
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